Lions and Tigers and Bears... and Narcissists and Borderlines and Personality Disorders- OH MY! (3 CE credits)

$25.00 - Member price
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Presented by Ronald Mah, LMFT Therapy is inherently challenged at a different and more complex level when there is a personality disorder. The personality disorder is so compelling that it not only defines the person, but also the therapy. This is even more relevant when there is a partner (if not two) in a couple for therapy. Common therapeutic interventions are frustrated and fail because of the personality disorder. While other personality disorders will be addressed, the workshop focuses on this fearsome four-some, and particularly borderline and narcissistic presentations. The workshop will offer straight-forward simple diagnostic criteria for the personality disorders, a hierarchical approach to dealing with narcissism, the one recommended approach of the two major approaches to dealing with borderline, a quick two characteristic matrix to differentiate among borderline, narcissistic, paranoid, and anti-social presentation, as well as criteria to diagnose not just these personality disorders but also potential for violent and abusive behavior, including domestic violence and child abuse. Learning Objectives By the end of this course participants will be able to: 1. Identify the five hierarchical approaches to dealing with narcissists 2. Identify the 2x2 matrix to differentiate among BPDO, NPDO, PPDO, and ASPDO 3. Name the two major approaches to working with borderline personalities; 4. Identify the criteria for violent or abusive behavior among BPDO, NPDO, PPDO, and ASPDO. About the Presenter Ronald Mah, LMFT, is an extensive author and educator on topics of early childhood behaviour, bullying, child development, community mental health, couples therapy and school programs. More event details -

SCV-CAMFT               P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA 94306                  650-308-4809

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