Sponsorship opportunities

SCV-CAMFT is pleased to offer sponsorship opportunities to companies, organizations, and individuals who are interested in supporting our mission and/or have products and services of interest to our membership.

Our current sponsors

Sponsoring one or more chapter events helps us meet organizational goals, which include:

  • Educating and informing the public about the value of marriage and family therapy
  • Supporting healthy relationships within the community
  • Providing activities that meet our members’ needs for connection, professionalism, training and practicing according to the highest ethical professional standards.

Chapter events vary in length and topic and you can choose from our current offerings. Click here to view our upcoming events.

A successful sponsorship program provides our chapter with opportunities to enhance and expand our programming and educational and community-building opportunities. We will work with you to tailor your sponsorship needs to our current offerings or to create something new. 

What are the benefits of sponsoring?

We offer a three-level sponsorship menu that provides discounts for sponsoring multiple events with the option of making a brief presentation to our membership.

  1. Sponsor’s name and logo appear on chapter marketing materials for the
 sponsored event, including:
    1. Multiple email announcements to chapter members and CAMFT members in our region - over 1800 contacts.
    2. Quarterly newsletters to the same contacts, and posted to on website. See previous newsletter HERE
  2. A dedicated table for the sponsor's presentation and resource materials at the sponsored event.
  3. Introduction at the event with the option of a one or two minute announcement/ presentation at the meeting to describe the sponsor’s services and/or products that benefit chapter members. The length of the presentation is determined by the sponsorship level you select.
  4. Sponsors may remain at the meeting and network with members.

Sponsorship Pricing

Sponsorship Levels Benefits 1 Event 2 Events 3 Events 
Level 1 One complimentary seat
Logo and link to sponsor's site in all publicity: emails, website, newsletter
Reserved promotional table
Intro and thank you at event
$500 $750  $1000
Level 2

All of the above PLUS
Two complimentary seats

1 minute at podium during event
$900 $1,300 $1,700
Level 3 All of the above PLUS
Three complimentary seats
2 minutes at podium during event
$1,200 $2,000 $2,700

How do you become a sponsor?

  1. Sponsors must be in a field related to the mental health profession and provide something of value to our members.
  2. Contact our director of sponsorship, sponsorship@scv-camft.org, to inquire about your sponsorship needs. 
  3. Select the event and level at which you want to sponsor. A letter of agreement to sponsor is signed and sent to the chapter. Download the PDF Sponsor Agreement
  4. The sponsor provides logos and marketing materials to SCV-CAMFT in appropriate formats. 
  5. The signed agreement and payment must be received at least sixty (60) days before the sponsored event.

Submit this interest form and someone will contact you:

SCV-CAMFT                 P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA. 94306                  mail@scv-camft.org              650-308-4809

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