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by Cathy Haur, LMFT
Cathy Hauer, LMFT, has been in private practice since 1990. She served on the SCV Board 20 years ago, and then was a part of the Committee on Therapist Well-Being for several years after that, editing the Committee's newsletter column. Cathy is currently a Board member of CoastPride, an organization she helped found for the LGBTQ Community on the Coast of San Mateo County. Although she continues to work part time with clients, she recently closed down her office suite, inspiring this creative piece, and acknowledges how familiar this unexpected change has become for so many therapists.
Not just the four walls
Not just the rooms The trees, the sky
The sense of place
The sense of home The heart, the soul
Letting go of this,
My professional oasis Honor the serenity
The world I built,
To heal and to hold
Precious lives,
Precarious psyches Release the need for permanence
Lives were touched
Insights gained
Pain expunged
Love renewed Remember all the good
Fold it up
Like an origami dream
Tuck it tightly
Into my broken heart This will be enough
By Cathy Hauer, October 2020
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