Junko Yamauchi, LMFT, Wins Chapter Leadership Award!

Wednesday, February 09, 2022 7:17 PM | Anonymous

The Board of the Santa Clara Valley chapter would like to nominate Junko Yamauchi for her ongoing service to the board as the director of support groups. Junko began volunteering for the SCV-CAMFT community by leading groups for pre-licensed therapists. Eventually, she joined the board to oversee the support groups for therapists and pre-licensed therapists. As a board member, she made time in her busy practice schedule dedicated to the Asian community and as a registered provider for clients under the California Victims of Crime Compensation Board, to learn the ropes of her position. She is dedicated, always in attendance, follows through with her commitments and continues to advocate for her support group leaders and the communities they serve in our wider SCV-CAMFT community. Junko has been very supportive of and active in our new board initiatives.

SCV-CAMFT               P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA 94306               mail@scv-camft.org             650-308-4809

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