Getting to Know You Survey Results

Wednesday, September 15, 2021 7:53 AM | Anonymous

 back to fall 2021 newsletter 

by Dominique Yarritu, PhD, LMFT

The results of the one question May survey Getting to Know You are (finally) in! DOWNLOAD the results. Shall we start with the numbers?  55% of our membership viewed the survey; of these members, 65% took the time to answer, and less than 1% opened it and did not respond. These are encouraging numbers for us! We are delighted and grateful to you for taking the time out of what we know is a busy schedule to tell us a little about you.  If these basic categories help us to have a clearer view of the kaleidoscopic makeup of our membership, we also hope they will allow us in the future to provide you with a better support in terms of offerings: workshops, luncheons, and other activities. The majority of the membership is in private practice and we hope to reach out further to those of our colleagues who work in agencies or other mental health institutions in the next few months.

We were equally delighted to read what some of you shared with us, whether it was about your practice or just something you wanted us to know. Here’s a condensed version of it:

Practice: after a year full of covid-related transformations, some of you have decided to switch totally telehealth stating that you’re enjoying it more than you expected, while others are eager to see things open up in order to do more networking in person.  Many of you are planning on practicing "hybrid", that is some online and some in-person. However, the need to connect in-person is clearly present and articulated in various ways.

Personal: we learned that some of you speak more uncommon languages, grow roses, are close to retirement, love connecting with your clients, but also feel uncomfortable being the only person of color in attendance of our (past) in-person events. This is very important for us and something that we would like to address in the future. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are an important endeavor of this chapter.

We wanted you to access the results in a raw format and browse yourself, see what is of interest to you. You can download the spreadsheet below. And as usual, we welcome any feedback at  Have a wonderful quarter.

Download survey Results Here

SCV-CAMFT               P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA 94306                  650-308-4809

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